Monday, July 16, 2007

New Video Site ~ Help me win $25

There's yet another new web site entering into the viral video marketplace that has been so dominated by YouTube. This one is called, and their particular hook is video contests. "Producers" select a theme for "Performers" to post on, with prizes from $10 to $25 each. The prize money comes from the advertisements that are appended to the start of each video.

I was contacted by Shawn, one of the goChongo founders, and asked to enter one of my YouTube videos into their "Political Posturing" contest. Always being one to want to test out new web sites, I agreed.

You can view, rate, and vote for my entry, "New Political Dictionary," by clicking on this line.

The site still has a few bugs to work out, but it could be a fun concept if the ads at the start of the videos don't get too annoying. I'll also be interested to see if their approach to revenue sharing (small pots of prize money) will attract many users.

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