Monday, December 17, 2001

This weekend we did the whirlwind family tour of Los Angeles. We flew down Saturday morning, went directly to a third birthday party for the baby of one of Leslie's cousins, we visited her grandmother, then went (with her parents) to a Hannakah party at my parents house, stayed Saturday night at my folks, and on Sunday went to see my brother's new condo before flying back late Sunday afternoon. We pack a lot in to a thirty-hour trip.

Once again, despite all the warnings, the airports were no problem at all. We got through the added security quicker than we've ever gone through the old lax security. In fact, coming home, we arrived so early, and got through security so quickly, that we were able to come home on an earlier flight than we'd scheduled. And, once again, the long-term parking lot at San Jose had large sections that were completely empty.

Maybe next weekend, closer to Christmas, it will be crazy. But this weekend was some easy traveling, judging by the San Jose and Burbank airports. Anyway, it's good to be home.

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